World-first Cryptocurrency covered by Polished Diamonds and Gold Bullions.

Invest into Coin which:

  • covered by real assets, which are secured and insured in vaults of the well-known banks;
  • value is free from rumors and decisions of the countries;
  • value is always growing or stable during financial depressions.

GID Coin has to become an international currency covered by two most valuable precious goods in the world, powered and secured by Blockchain.

GID Coin will be related to mining and procession of diamonds and gold.

Team of GID Coin are professionals with 8 years of experience in diamond business and 5 years in golden business. Have broad connections in Africa, Russia and Canada. Working very close with miners of gold and rough diamonds (governmental and private) have connections with Belgian and Israel cutters of diamonds and also have connections with gold refineries in Austria, UAE and Andorra.

GID Coin is supported by well-known persons, which are Advisors of the ICO.

GID Coin value is covered by polished diamonds and gold bullions. Two most expensive natural resources in the world. In case that gold in equation weight = price loosing to polished diamonds, so the proportion of diamonds / gold looks like 2/1. It means that 2/3 of investments will be spent on polished diamonds and 1/3 on gold kilobars. Hereinafter we can give you short description of the pricing and evaluation of them.

There are two ways of work for the company:

  • to buy final product (polished diamonds and bullions) from the producers and miners;
  • to arrange whole process from the very beginning, use less money and to take bigger profits.
  • Proportion will be as follows – 30% of the budget goes for the purchase of the final product and the rest 70% will be used for the full cycle of production.

On second stage we invest into mining site in Africa (Angola – primary, secondary – Botswana or Namibia) as private entity and begin to produce rough diamonds and gold ourselves. For our luck rough diamonds and gold are based at the same territory, so there is no need for separate mining sites. Everything goes from the one land

PGID = 0.5 * (Vd * PmR + Vg * PmLBMA) / VGIDT

PGID – Smart Token (GID) price
Vd – Volume of Secured diamonds, owned by company
PmR – Monthly Price of diamonds (according to Rapaport)
Vg – Volume of Secured gold, owned by company
PmLBMA – Monthly Price of diamonds (according to London bullion market (LBMA))
VGIPT – Total Smart Token Volume (total GIDs Volume)

At ICO launch the GID price will be the average $ 20 which can vary during the crowd-sale due to the revisions in the exchange rate:
ICO investors are given GIDE (GID pre-launch) tokens that can be converted to GID

after company has secure enough polished diamonds and gold bullions;
GIDE tokens will be moved to new blockchain platform and converted into GID in a 1: 1 proportion;

Advantages of using DGP rather than Ethereum are as follows:

  • Safer – DGP blockchain uses its own coins rather than Turingcomplete smart contracts.
  • Fungible – DGP uses Point-of-Stake (PoS), and since it relegates its platform to GID transactions alone (rather than to additional ICOs) processes your transactions faster.
  • Cheaper – There is no commission for small transactions (not more than $ 1000).



  • Token: GIDe
  • Platform: Ethereum
  • Type: ERC20
  • PreICO price: 1 GIDe = 15 USD
  • Price in ICO: 1 GIDe = 20 USD


  • Pre-Sale – discount 30%, Pre-ICO – discount 15%

Tokens for sale: 24,500,000

Investment info

  • Min. investment: 60 USD
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Accepting: ETH, BTC, Fiat
  • Distributed in ICO: 49%
  • Soft cap: 40,000,000.00 USD
  • Hard cap: 490,000,000 USD


  • Q2 2018

Completed Whitepaper.


Pre-Sale for primary investors.

First purchases.

Start of bounty campaign.

  • Q3 2018

New website.

Mobile application.

Pre-ICO (GIDE) 07.2018.

Beta version of GDP blockchain.

First full cycle production of diamonds and gold.

  • Q4 2018

ICO Campaing (GIDE) 09.2018.

Alfa version of GDP blockchain.

Exchange of GIDEs to GIDs.

Second cycle of production of diamonds and gold.

  • Q1 2019

Listing of GIDs at the exchanges.

Launch of mining via platform.

Trial immunity of the Revolut MC credit card.

Third cycle of production of diamonds and gold.

  • Q2 2019

Launch of the own mining site.

Launch of cutting workshop in Spain.

Launch of small refinery in Switzerland.

Branches in Angola, USA, Belgium.

  • Q2 2023

Start of Buyback campaign.

More information please visit at:







Author: Ketekantrasi

Bitcointalk URL:;u=2214468

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